
Anti-Trump Liz Cheney Draws ‘Big Crowd’ At Iowa Speech

Source: Washington Speakers Bureau

Republican Liz Cheney reportedly generated a “big crowd” on Wednesday for her speech in Iowa. The former Representative from Wyoming has made a reputation for himself in recent years by frequently criticizing former U.S. president Donald Trump.

Cheney Spoke At Drake University During Lecture Series

Liz Cheney reportedly spoke at the Bucksbaum Lecture Series located at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. Apparently, she drew a large crowd of attendees.

Source: Wikimedia/Picture Des Moines

Donald Trump has previously hinted at large crowds attending his events even when his claims were debunked and proven false. With Cheney’s recent speaking engagement, however, the large crowd was confirmed by photographs and outside reports from others in attendance besides the anti-Trump Republican.

Conservative Heath Mayo Referenced ‘A Lot’ Of Attendees At The Event

Conservative Heath Mayo stated online that it looked like “a lot of [Principles First] folks are out in force in Iowa tonight.” He also linked a video to the crowd that was posted by Kevin Cavallin.

Source: CSPAN

Mayo is a part of the “Principles First” movement, which advocates the direction of the party to be reevaluated. It also focuses on encouraging discussions on the potential realignment of the GOP to work with core values and principles.

X/Twitter Users Comment On Turnout In Support Of Liz Cheney

Other attendees to the event did not hesitate to comment on the number of people that showed up to see Liz Cheney. Quite a few posts were made on X/Twitter regarding the event and Cheney’s speech.

Source: Wikipedia

For instance, one user highlighted that there was a “big crowd in Des Moines tonight to hear Liz Cheney.” Another user indicated that there were “a lot more people in this crowd than Trump could attract.”

Cheney Accused Republican Party Of Threatening Democracy

One of the remarks that Cheney highlighted during her speech on Wednesday was that the Republican party is allegedly threatening democracy. Her lecture was moderated by Denver Post Executive Editor Lee Ann Colacioppo.

Source: Pixabay/Angelique Johnson

Colacioppo was chosen to moderate the discussion since she previously worked for the Des Moines Register. She is also a graduate of the speech venue, Drake University.

Liz Cheney Claims Nation Is Undergoing ‘Tectonic Shift’ In Politics

Cheney explained that there is a “tectonic shift” occurring within the nation’s politics today. As evidence to support her claim, she cited multiple instances of Republican party members that support Donald Trump’s claims of the 2020 election being stolen.

Source: Wikipedia

She further expressed that “what’s happening in the Republican party is dangerous.”

Cheney Targets The Republican Party, Says It Has ‘Abandoned The Constitution’

Liz Cheney expanded on her thoughts by stating that “we now have one of our two major political parties that has abandoned the Constitution.” She has advocated repeatedly for Trump to be defeated in the polls for the election in November.

Source: Wikimedia/NASA

Cheney reportedly believes that this political shift could possibly have some positive results if done correctly. For instance, one of the outcomes could be a reevaluation of how Americans are able to engage with politics today.

Cheney Explains That ‘We All Have A Responsibility To Encourage Our Public Officials’

Cheney indicated that “we all have a responsibility to encourage our public officials.” She then explained two key goals that this type of encouragement would achieve.

Source: Gerald R. Ford

First, it would encourage public officials “to engage in substantive debate.” The second is “to be respectful.”

Cheney Hopes Everyone Walks Back From ‘The Edge Of The Abyss’

Cheney also expressed her hope that everyone will walk back away from “the edge of the abyss that we’re looking into that has become so divisive and partisan” in many ways. She also described it as “toxic.”

Source: Pixabay/SnapwireSnaps

Cheney emphasized her belief that the future of democracy in the United States is contingent on the defeat of Donald Trump at the upcoming presidential election.

Liz Cheney References ‘30% Of The Republicans’ That Said They Won’t Vote For Trump

Liz Cheney brought up the results from the Republican primaries in her speech. In doing so, she highlighted exactly why those results should erode Trump’s confidence regarding the general election.

Source: Pixabay/Andrew Martin

For instance, she stated that in some instances with the primaries, “close to 30% of the Republicans said they won’t vote for Donald Trump.” Therefore, although he won the primaries, Cheney feels that there is not enough ground for someone in Trump’s position to feel “any comfort about being able to prevail in the general.”

Liz Cheney: Trump ‘Will Have No Incentive To Guarantee A Peaceful Transfer Of Power’

Cheney referenced how Trump already “tried once not to leave office.” She then stated that he would “have no incentive to guarantee a peaceful transfer of power and to leave office should he be elected again.”

Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore

There are quite a few people and fellow politicians in recent years that have echoed similar sentiments and remarks regarding Trump. Most of the discussion seems to divert back to the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol as well.

Cheney Admit That She Has ‘Policy Disagreements With The Biden Administration’

Liz Cheney did not just focus exclusively on anti-Trump remarks during her speech at the Drake University event. She openly admitted that she “certainly” has “policy disagreements with the Biden administration.”

Source: Flickr/Nubchai

This remark was made in response to her acknowledgement of the frustration that people “get sometimes with policy disagreements.” However, she concluded that thought by stating that she knows “the nation can survive bad policy.”

Liz Cheney: U.S. Can’t Survive A President Who Is ‘Willing To Torch The Constitution’

After indicating that the country could survive “bad policy,” Cheney shifted the attention towards another extreme that the country presumably could not handle. Specifically, she referenced the lack of complying with the U.S. Constitution.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

According to Cheney, “we can’t survive a president who is willing to torch the Constitution.” Quite a few commentators and critics have made similar remarks – especially since Trump mentioned that “Day One” of his new term in office would be to abolish birthright citizenship.

Cheney Alleges That ‘Republican Elected Officials Excuse The Behavior’

Liz Cheney indicated that Donald Trump is receiving support from Republican officials – especially regarding the actions related to the January 6 attacks. She stated that these elected officials “excuse the behavior” and “enabled the behavior.”

Source: Pixabay/Mohamed Hassan

By doing so, Cheney believes that the Republicans inadvertently created a sense of legitimacy for Trump among voters. According to Cheney, they created a narrative where voters think, “It must not be that he’s that dangerous, because if he were, then you would have more people saying so.”

Cheney Previously Referenced Trump’s ‘Depravity’ Regarding January 6 Attack

Liz Cheney previously discussed the specific actions that Donald Trump made on the day of the historic attack on the U.S. Capitol. She explained in a video posted by the group “Republicans Voters Against Trump” that Trump was “handed a note” as the attack happened.

Source: Flickr/Tyler Merbler

The note reportedly said that “a civilian had been shot at the entrance to the chamber of the House of Representatives.” She added that Trump put the note “down on the table in front of him and he continued to watch the attack on television.” She described that act as “depravity” and stated that Donald Trump “can never be near the White House, near the Oval Office again.”

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Written by Sally Reed

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