
Trump issues warning to voters ahead of democrat fundraising event

Source: Flickr/euronews

Barack Obama is back on the campaign trail, looking to help Joe Biden gain voter support in what many experts (including Obama) believe will be a close presidential race between the sitting President and his arch nemesis, Donald Trump. And for those who were wondering, yes – Trump has already taken shots at Obama. 

Trump Sends Text Message To Supporters

On Wednesday (March 27), Trump sent a text message out to registered supporters in an effort to unify his loyalists in his fight against the Democrats. He kept the message short, sweet, and to the point. 

Source: Tero Vesalainen from Getty Images via Canva

“DON’T LET OBAMA SPIT IN YOUR FACE! Tomorrow they aim to HUMILIATE us. It’s bad,” he wrote in the message. By ‘tomorrow,’ he was referring to the fundraising event the Democrats were throwing on Thursday (March 27) – more on that later. 

Calls On One Million Supporters To Donate

Hoping to raise some campaign funds himself, Trump sent a second text message calling on ‘one million pro-Trump patriots’ to donate to his campaign. It’s unclear how much he raised as a result of his texts, but reports indicate that Biden raised $25 million on Thursday.

Source: Africa images via Canva

Even if Trump were to receive one million donations, they would need to average $25 per donation – and even then, it would be hard to do that in one night, as Biden did on Thursday. 

New Fundraiser Features Biden, Obama, And Clinton

The Democratic fundraiser was held at Radio City Music Hall in Manhattan, New York, and it featured three of the four living Democratic Presidents: Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton. Jimmy Carter was the only Democrat not there, due to his declining health.

Source: Wikimedia/Pete Souza

“Join @BarackObama, @BillClinton, and me tomorrow for a grassroots fundraiser as we discuss what’s on the ballot in this election and how we will defeat Trump again,” Biden wrote in a post on X – hyping up what was described as a ‘major fundraiser’ for the party.

Celebrities Will Be In Attendance

The three Presidents sat down for a rare conversation that was moderated by Stephen Colbert. Some of the celebrities in attendance included Queen Latifah, Lizzo, Cynthia Erivo, Mindy Kaling, Ben Platt, and Lea Michele.

Source: Wikimedia/The White House

The sold-out event was largely viewed as a success. One senior strategist commented that ‘no one can speak to disillusioned Democrats better than President Obama’ – adding that there are limits to what Obama can do, and it’s still on Biden to get the job done. 

Being Dubbed The ‘Largest Fundraising Event In Democratic History

Some experts were dubbing the evening the ‘largest fundraising event in Democratic history,’ with tickets ranging from $225 to $500,000. The three Presidents also provided various opportunities to raise extra funds.

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For example, attendees could take a photo with Biden, Obama, and Clinton for $100,000 – and for $250,000, you can attend a reception with them. The $25 million they raised will add to what is already a large sum of money in Biden’s campaign stash.

How Much Cash Does Biden’s Campaign Have? 

As of right now, President Joe Biden has more than $155 million in cash on hand for the 2024 presidential election in November. That includes more than $53 million in February – that number alone is more than Trump has in his entire campaign bank.

Source: Wikimedia/The White House

“The enthusiasm we’re picking up as we go around the country is real,” Biden said in a radio interview last week. “We’ve raised a whole lot of money. We have 1.5 million donors, including 500,000 are brand new, they’re small donors; 97% of the donations under $200.”

How Much Cash Does Trump’s Campaign Have? 

Meanwhile, Donald Trump isn’t doing so well with cash. While the exact number is unknown, he had just $36.6 million in cash on hand at the start of February. Of course, legal fees take up a lot of his expenses – which often exceed his donations. 

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

“While Joe Biden and Democrats continue to put up historic grassroots fundraising numbers, Donald Trump and the RNC are in financial disarray,” said Jaime Harrison, leader of the Democratic National Committee. “Our grassroots supporters know that the stakes of this year could not be higher, and they’re chipping in like our democracy is on the line – because it is.”

Trump Beat Clinton In 2016, Despite Having Less Cash

The financial disparity between the two candidates is reminiscent of the 2016 election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Clinton managed to raise more than $1.2 billion during the full election cycle, while Trump secured just over $600 million in campaign funds.

Source: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

Clinton also managed to win the popular vote – ending with 65.853 million votes, compared to Trump’s 62.984 million votes. That didn’t seem to matter, though. Trump won in the one area that mattered the most – he had 304 electoral votes, while Clinton had 227. 

Obama Communicates With Biden’s Team Regularly

The recent fundraising event is just one of several more that Obama and Biden have planned as they attempt to ramp up their party’s campaign efforts. The two still communicate regularly and Obama is looking to help his former VP gain American support.

Source: Wikimedia/Pete Souza

According to CNN, Obama “remains in direct contact with some top White House officials, including Biden’s chief of staff, Jeff Zients, who worked in the Obama administration.” 

Obama Visits Biden At The White House

Last Friday, Obama visited the family dining room of the White House, where he lived for eight years during his two presidential terms. He met with Biden and the two exchanged plenty of jokes during their time together, but then they got down to business.

Source: Wikimedia/The White House

“We have the chance to do even more, but that only happens if we send Joe and Kamala back to the White House in November,” Obama said in an organizing call to mark the 14th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. So, we’ve got to keep working.” 

Warns Biden That Trump Has A Chance To Win

Obama has made it clear to several of his associates – including Biden himself – that he believes Trump has a real shot at winning November’s election if the Democrats don’t unify. He described it as an ‘all hands on deck’ moment for the party.

Source: Wikimedia/The White House

Obama says the State of the Union Address was received well by many Americans, but it’s just the beginning of what they need to do to regain voter support. One of the things Obama wants Biden to focus more on is healthcare – so expect that to be a major point moving forward. 

Trump Currently Holds Slight Advantage In Polls

The Biden Administration can use all the help it can get right now, especially as the polls start to favor Trump. While Biden tends to show out well in some polls, he’s almost completely wiped out by Trump once third-party candidates are included.

Source: studioroman via Canva

That said, it’s close—and Biden can make up the slack in the coming months if he can shore up more support. Many people expect this to be one of the closer elections we’ve had in a while, so every vote matters at this point. 

Democrats Are Opening Up To Trump’s Policies

One of the more concerning things for the Democrats right now is the rising number of blue voters who are starting to open up to Trump and his ideology. Considering the amount of support Trump has among Republicans, any Democrat who votes for him is a blow to Biden.

Source: lakshmiprasad S from Getty Images via Canva

Biden and Trump have already won the nominations, but those nominations will be officially introduced in July (for Trump) and August (for Biden). Election day is November 5, and we should know the winner several days later. 

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Written by Ryan Handson

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